Rodeo: The Iconic symbol of the southwest

This American tradition isn't just for the movies; it's a way of life for many cowgirls and cowboys. Join us for a night of mutton-busting, roping, and ruffstock riding.

Rodeo De Santa Fe    .

~ June 19-26

Rodeo De Santa Fe, one of the oldest rodeos in the southwest, is located just minutes from the historical Santa Fe Plaza. It’s an annual stop on the rodeo circuit for many of the best contenders in the nation.

Estancia Valley Ranch Rodeo

~ July 17-24

Step into the saddle and embrace the romance of Western culture like never before! Beyond the glitz and glamour, of professional rodeo is a cherished way of life, steeped in tradition and honoring the deep bond between rider and horse. Experience the raw essence of a ranch rodeo, where teams of cowboys and cowgirls from different ranches showcase their skills in events mirroring daily ranch tasks. From cow sorting to bronc riding, it's a celebration of heritage and hard work.

Join us for an immersive ranch rodeo experience, complete with all-inclusive riding vacation and exclusive box seating at the Estancia Valley Ranch Rodeo. Get up close with the gritty cowboys and cowgirls with behind the shoots access and witness the true spirit of the West in action.

New Mexico State Fair and Rodeo

~ September 8–15

The New Mexico State Fair & Rodeo combines an appreciation for agriculture, highlights local artists, and presents the largest rodeo in the state. This event offers a variety of exhibits featuring livestock, gardening (such as the 110lb pumpkin), horse shows including western, English, and driving arts, and crafts. Daily shows include Flamenco and Indian dancers. Also, this rodeo is one of the last stops for athletes from all over the world to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo.